
Audrey, Maxime and their son Paul (9 months)

Difficulties to go to bed

Je suis maman d’un adorable petit Paul de 10 mois ; il en avait 9 lorsque que j’ai sollicité l’aide de Chloé.

Le moment du coucher était devenu très pénible car Paul n’arrivait pas à s’endormir facilement. Il fallait que ce soit uniquement moi. Paul avait besoin du sein pour s’endormir mais le pire, c’est que toutes les 3 heures, il fallait recommencer…

Mon mari et moi étions épuisés et le climat de tension qui s’installait entre nous n’arrangeait rien. C’est à ce moment là que j’ai compris que nous avions besoin d’aide. 

D’abord j’ai pu discuter et réfléchir avec quelqu’un qui m’a écoutée et comprise. Je me suis donc sentie moins seule dans ma difficulté puis je me suis organisée afin de mettre en œuvre les conseils de Chloe. J’ai, par exemple, compris l’importance des siestes et de la routine qui aide les bébés. J’ai également pu comprendre pourquoi Paul réclamait autant le sein et ce qu’il était important de mettre en place pour trouver un nouvel équilibre.

Aujourd’hui j’ai retrouvé  confiance en moi et notamment en mes capacités de calmer mon petit Paul.

Notre famille a retrouvé le sommeil et le sourire ! 

Merci beaucoup !

Elisabeth, Gabriel and their daughter Anna (6 months)

Several night wakings

Thank you so much Chloé!!!! At this time you were really a life saver. We were going on our limits. Anna was waking up a lot every nights. Felt like days without breaks!  

You listen to us and you help us find our way. It was the right decision for everyone to make this step. 

Now the harmony is back at home! It feels great. Once again thanks :)

Anais, Björn and their daughter Leonie (9 months)

Frequent night wakings

First of all thank you!

We were a bit lost. We are coming from two really different cultures. The way to handle things from both of them was confusing us. Maybe we didn't know anymore what was good for us, only us as a family. 

I didn't want my baby to feel helpless but we also needed to have more calm nights and days. Leonie was always a bit a hectic baby. We thought she just had a very energetic personality.

You helped us to understand where all these troubles came from. It was a bit more than just bad sleep habits. Now we are more aware. Our minds are more clear. You also gave us some useful techniques to answer to our daughter's needs. Today everything calmed down. We all feel better during the night as well as during the day.

I guess we still have to improve a bit. But no one is perfect ;)


Elise, Julien and their son Oscar (11 months)

Plan co-sleeping

On a trouvé dans l'entretien avec Chloé une écoute bienveillante. On a pu mieux comprendre pourquoi les nuits d'Oscar étaient aussi chaotiques. Elle nous a aidé à aller dans la direction que nous souhaitions. 

Maintenant tout le monde est reposé et plus apaisé. On continue partiellement le co-sleeping. Et elle nous a donné quelques clefs pour l'observer et le comprendre différemment. Chloé nous a proposé la façon qui nous convient aujourd'hui. Bref, merci pour cette séreinité retrouvée! Et un bisou d'Oscar


Clarisse, Moritz and their son Malo (7 months and half)

Several night wakings and end co-sleeping

Chloé helped us establish a daily routine and an evening ritual for my son who was 6 months old at the time.

He was not sleeping well over the day (very short naps) and would wake up several times at night. 

We were completely exhausted and helpless.

With all the advice and guidance Chloé gave us, my son's sleep (and ours!) has tremendously improved. 

After a few days he was sleeping through the night!



Florence, Tom and their son Owen (2 years and half)

Difficulties to go to bed

I asked Chloé for some advice about 2 months ago, as we were experiencing difficulties with our 2,5 year-old son’s new sleeping habits. We are lucky that sleep had never been an issue until then, as since very little Owen would fall asleep alone in his room, and not wake up until the morning, sleeping up to over 12 hours a night for nearly 2 years, resulting in a very fit and cheerful baby. 


Problems started after a holiday in Asia last June, where Owen’s usual bedtime routine got disturbed due to jet lag and a very different environment, combined with the transition from his cot to his first “big” bed not long after we got back home (we decided to switch after he climbed over the bars of his cot...) In other words, a bed which he could from now on come out of anytime…and he would indeed, oh so many times, if one of us wasn’t lying down next to him until he would eventually fall asleep. And even then, it would often take quite a long time until he would settle down, as even when he seemed very tired, he would get so agitated and restless once in his new big bed. 


It had become a new habit for one of us to stay with him until he would fall asleep, and that could last up to an hour, sometimes even longer. Owen would fall asleep quite late for a child of his age, and our evenings got shorter and shorter, not to mention the fact that we often argued about how one or the other had dealt with the situation, causing much stress in our couple as well. Several times, one of us would end up exploding from exhaustion, impatience and despair - ending up of course in guilty feelings and inconsistent behaviours.


Chloé gave us some very relevant tips and suggestions to reconcile with better habits earlier in the evening, and most importantly, very clear guidelines as to how to deal with Owen’s countless “exits". Improvements over the first few days were incredible, however it took about a month until the situation completely stabilised. But this wasn’t a problem, as we had a clear method to stick to, with both of us being on the same wave length. While Owen could come out of his bedroom up to 50 times (!) before, he now happily goes to bed and stays in there until he falls asleep, hardly ever getting up anymore. A couple of weeks ago, I asked his carer at Kita how afternoon nap was going, and she told me that there too he was falling asleep much more easily since recently. So I really think Chloé’s help allowed to restore serenity around the whole bedtime thing. We are going on holiday soon again, and know that our new routine is likely to be disturbed again, but that’s ok as we know how to proceed upon our return if some issues reappear then. 


We all tend to think that problems associated with children sleep are normal, that we are not alone as friends with children of the same age experience issues too etc.. but if changes and evolutions of children’s needs and habits are normal indeed, it isn’t normal that they cause tensions and exhaustion, often for the entire family. Chloé is obviously very knowledgeable when it comes to both children psychology and the challenges of parenting, she’s a great listener and a very pleasant person to work with, as she never judges nor imposes her advice like the one and only truth, yet provides you with very clear recommendations, efficient techniques, and a reassuring follow up until the situation has improved for good.


Thank you so much Chloé!



Vivian, Alan and baby Lily (5 months and half)

Transfer to own crib and bedtime routine

I did a consultation with Chloé Huth a few weeks ago and it paid off big time for us. I wasn't aware how much the day time naps were having an impact on a good night sleep and how to manage them right. But after talking to her it improved so much for us (both - naps and the night time). 

We also managed the transfer to her own crib from our own bed and she's sleeping most of the nights through (up to 9,5 hours).

My daughter is nearly 6 months and I'm glad that I don't have to feed her so often at night anymore :)

Thank you!



Anna, Stefan and Rosa (7 months)

Reduce breastfeeding during the night

We consulted Chloé as our baby would only sleep clinged to my breast and up every two hours at the age of seven months. One month later, today 8 months, she sleeps in her own bed in her own room without my booby attached to her and no cry. She falls asleep at 8pm and only wakes up once before she is fully rested and smile awake around 6.30am.

My husband and I have our night back and this is all thanks to Chloé! Thus, I can totally recommend her when your baby has any sleeping issues!



Natalie, Flo and their baby Laura (5 months)

Breasfeeding & rocking sleep association

I just wanted to share my experience here in case it helps someone else in a similar situation. My 5 months old had only ever been able to fall asleep either from breastfeeding or rocking her to sleep. She refused a dummy/bottle and basically anything that wasn't me and I was never able to successfully teach her how to self soothe to sleep. 

So I just thought I had a fussy baby and liked the bond we had but my neck, back and shoulders were paying the price from all the rocking. 

Once she hit a sleep regression and was waking basically every hour unable to self soothe into each sleep cycle without me, I decided it was enough and I couldn't continue being a zombie so needed help and fast!

In Australia it is really common to send babies to sleep school so a friend recommended Chloé and in less than a week I was able to move my baby into her own cot (we were co-sleeping prior) and also teach her how to fall asleep in her cot without me feeding her or rocking her to sleep.

She is now sleeping better during the day as a consequence, before she was only cat napping and the bags under my eyes have halved in size... still working to reduce them even more but I expect that to take much longer. We still have a long way to go as I want to drop to 2 feeds over night still but I now feel confident and I have the tools needed to do this. 

All babies are different but we were able to achieve all of this with only 2 consultations so I can't recommend Chloé enough if you need help and want your sleep/sanity back!



Angelene, Lenny and baby Luna (9 months)

Learning more about their baby's sleep and development

My daugter and I did a session with Chloé and it was one of the most valuable hours that I invested as a new mum. Chloé's session empowered me to read my daughter better and actually helped me to relax when putting my baby to bed. Sometimes I would dread the evenings because putting Luna to bed was an hour (sometimes more) long battle with an overtired baby. I learned that it was the result of bad napping habits and since then, we have changed Luna's napping schedule and it has worked wonders for the nights.


Chloé's expertise as a psychologist taught me about why babies behave a certain way and what hormones are at play and understanding this has been monumental for our family. Her experience as a mum was refreshing because she understood the process beyond the books and developed a way for us to help Luna nap without putting so much pressure on ourselves (and the last thing new parents need is pressure). She's made for this job and breathes what she speaks and I am so thankful for the time with her.




Sandra, Ryan and little Sienna (6 months)

Cat napping

In general our daughter Sienna has been a good sleeper from the beginning. Soon after birth she had developed her own sleeping schedule and slowly increased the sleeping times between feeds. However, this was mainly true for her night time sleep. During the day she tended to do short power naps of around 30 minutes resulting in cranky afternoons. The further the day progressed the more tired she would become. We knew other moms in similar situations and wanted to find out what to do about it but couldn't really find answers.


We then got in contact with Chloé and she gave us advice on how to "schedule" Sienna's day so that she could have restful naps. Chloé taught us a great deal about sleeping patterns, physiological processes and how to get the timing right. And it was interesting to learn how the slightest changes can lead to big improvements.


Chloé is very passionate about her work and good at what she does. Being a mom of two herself one can tell that she truly understands how each baby is different and requires a different strategy. She found a really good balance between the scientific approach and individual needs and knows that family realities are sometimes contrary to what book tells you to do.

She will find out what works best for each baby individually. Thank you Chloé for your insights!!



Louise, Brad and baby Magnus (10 months)

Several night wakings, difficulties during bedtime

Chloé was our savior!! She gave us back the gift of sleep & saved our sanity! We contacted her when our baby son was 10 months and both my husband & myself were at the end of our tether.


Magnus never seemed to love sleep and instead of things improving with time, his sleep seemed to continually deteriorate. Every night was filled with frequent wakings and grueling sessions of trying to get him back to sleep. I had reverted back to multiple breastfeeds throughout the night, which added further strain & complicated the situation. After reading a plethora of conflicting information on baby sleep, we were so confused and totally exhausted. I saw Chloé's name being recommended in a forum and I decided to contact her.


It was the best decision we made and we are so grateful for everything she has done for us. Her clear and calm approach was so reassuring and we were so relieved to have found support we could trust. Since we implemented Chloé's recommendations and plan, Magnus's sleep (both nighttime & naps) improved dramatically. Its now been over a year since we first contacted Chloé & Magnus's sleep has been great, but if we do encounter any sleep challenges in the future, we know we can count on Chloé's expertise and knowledge to guide us through the tough time.


So Chloé, we owe you a debt of gratitude!

Thank you so much for everything you have done for us. x